Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Ride the Lightning! - Blue Dragon


Hello again fellow Grognards and Young Guard!

Just wanted to drop another one shot, single mini paint project.  I found this guy on ebay, rescued him and repaired some wing damage he had, likely in the original manufacturing process.  The sculpt captures a twisting turn in flight, facing to engage a ground target.  It was difficult to get some decent pictures of this guy as much of his detail is on his underside and obscured by the wings or just due to the positioning.  

As far as Evil Dragons go, the Blue Dragon is one of my favorites and rates right up there with the Red Dragon.  

I imagine putting him on the table in Fistful of Lead Core/ Fantasy or Dragon Rampant.

Get ready to soar and ride the lightning and GAME ON!


2021 Painted Miniatures: 169

2022 Painted Miniatures: 214

2023 Painted Miniatures: 154

In the Eye of the Beholder


Hello fellow Grognards and Young Guard!

Below is a quick post on a single mini project.  This model is by Wizards of the Coast (WOTC) from their D&D line.  Once I saw this mini, I new I wanted to paint it.  It was a challenge to create the eyes as well as get the wet gums and teeth.

I used the pre-painted model in online pictures as my paint guide.  One of the eyes had to be re-sculpted a bit, as it had a clear "beam" attached to it.  I cut the beam off and then cleaned up the eye.  Hopefully you can't see which one it was (...I'm not telling).

I'm pretty proud of this model, having tried some new techniques and was happy with the outcome.

I've been painting armies recently and it takes a toll.  I find that I just need one of these single model or terrain projects to break up the madness.

Hoping to put this Beholder on the table in my Fistful of Lead Core or Fantasy games.

Remember...Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder...Hope you enjoy!



2021 Painted Miniatures: 169

2022 Painted Miniatures: 214

2023 Painted Miniatures: 153

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Dragon Rampant - Arachnid Army



Welcome back fellow Grognards and Young Guard!

Quick installment this week.  Another army I have had in the pipeline for some time; the Arachnid Army!

All miniatures are from Reaper Miniatures.  Just another army I always wanted to put together, but never had rules to run.  That issue was solved by Dragon Rampant.

For this army, think Drow and Underdark.  These could easily be fielded with Drow or Dark Elves.


Spider Queen Sorcerer (Elite Rider, Wizardling, Level-Headed)...10 pts.

Arachnid Warriors (Elite Riders)...6 pts.

Arachnid Warriors (Heavy Riders, Mounted Missiles)...5 pts.

Arachnid Warriors (Heavy Riders, Mounted Missiles)... 5 pts.

Giant Spiders (Lesser Warbeasts, Web Attack)... 6 pts.

Giant Spiders (Lesser Warbeasts, Web Attack)... 6 pts.

Hope you enjoyed this installment of Of Dice and Army Men!

Spider senses are tingling...I'm closing in on last year's record breaking painted miniatures total year.

63 miniatures to go to pass 2022!

Until next time, keep your torches handy in the under dark, keep looking up.  You never know what could be crawling in the shadows above... and GAME ON!


2021 Painted Miniatures: 169

2022 Painted Miniatures: 214

2023 Painted Miniatures: 152

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Fantasy Terrain - Mushrooms!

 Welcome fellow Grognards and New Guard!

Well, I went a little off game plan.  I ended up taking on an unscheduled project.  This time it was some opportunity terrain.

Recently, my daughter and I were walking around Hobby Lobby (a national craft chain store in the USA), when my daughter said, "hey Dad, you need some shrooms!"  Completely caught off guard, I turned, ready to have another kind of discussion with my daughter, when she laughed and pointed to the Fall decorations on and a pile of mesh bags filled with foam mushrooms.  

These things are bagged either all brown capped or in mixed bags of orange/ yellow/ red.  Of course, they were also 40% off (which means Hobby Lobby was still making 200% profit).  I saw them and the lightbulb went on.  I love my daughter.  She knows her father well and apologized for the unscheduled project she had now launched me into.  LOL.

We then wandered back to the wood craft section, where also 40% off, were the wood shape cutouts.  I picked up some wooden ovals and some circles for bases.  The plan was set in motion...

Nuts and bolts, I cut the Styrofoam stem lengths to various heights, alternating colors.  A little hot glue (and a nice hot glue burn on one of my pinky fingers) and these were fixed on the wooden bases; 4 mushrooms to each oval base, 3 mushrooms to each circle base.

Each mushrooms bases was coated in, oddly enough, a paint color called "mushroom".  Worked for me.  A second coat was applied to the stems only.  I then added some accent lines to the underside of each mushroom to replicate the "things" you see on the bottom of mushrooms.  The stems and mushrooms undersides were washed in a black wash.

Next I painted white dots on the tops in varying patterns, to give more of a fantastical vision.  Once dry, I brushed on a matte coat on the mushrooms caps tops to protect the white paint.

Using my standard acrylic textured and colored medium, I loaded up the bases.  I added rocks, and small stone work and grass to each base.

I was able to make 8 oval 4-mushroom stands and 8 circle 3-mushroom stands from what I purchased.

Should make a great Dragon Rampant battle field or one for Fistful of Lead - Might and Melee or Core Rules use.

Hope you enjoy!

Bagged Mushrooms

3-Mushroom Stand

4-Mushroom Stand

Next up...the Arachnid Army! (Really...)

Until next time, watch out for the Cheshire Cat, and GAME ON!


2021 Painted Miniatures: 169

2022 Painted Miniatures: 214

2023 Painted Miniatures: 136

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Dragon Rampant - Army of Anubis


Greeting Fellow Grognards and Young Guard!

Welcome to another installment of 'Of Dice and Army Men'.  

Today I present the Army of Anubis!  Ever since I saw the Mummy Returns and the Anubis Warriors (and the Scorpion King), I was hooked into wanting to put together an army for the table top, but I didn't have any rules to use them with at the time.

Fast forward to today.  Dragon Rampant gives me that ability to field any models I wish that fit the bill for the army I want to build.  Avatar of Anubis is a 3D print purchased off ebay.  Scorpion King, and Anubis Guard are Reaper Miniatures.  Anubis Warriors and Archers are Crocodile Games Miniatures.  Scorpions are from WizKids.  For your enjoyment, I present, the Army of Anubis!

ARMY OF ANUBIS.....36 Pts.

Avatar of Anubis (Elite Foot, single model, w/ Enchanted Weapon)...7 pts.

Scorpion King (Elite Rider, single model)...6 pts.

Anubis Guard (Heavy Foot, reduced model unit) ... 6 pts.

Anubis Guard (Heavy Foot, reduced model unit) ... 6 pts.

Anubis Warriors (Light Foot) ... 3 pts.

Anubis Archers (Light Missiles) ... 4 pts.

Scorpions (Lesser Warbeasts) ... 4 pts.

Avatar of Anubis

Scorpion King

Anubis Guard

Anubis Warriors

Anubis Archers


Next up...the Arachnid Army!

Until then, may the blessings of the Magi be upon you and GAME ON!


2021 Painted Miniatures: 169

2022 Painted Miniatures: 214

2023 Painted Miniatures: 120