Sunday, June 5, 2022

Wasteland Warriors - Thundarr the Barbarian

Greetings Fellow Grognards and Young Guard!

As promised, it's time to get some blogs posted on what's been keeping me busy on the wargaming front.  I thought I'd start out with a little something different.  Having been on the painting warpath, trying to get my 54mm AWI ready for Siege of Augusta became a long and arduous task, rather than a labor of love.

After having to have left Siege early due to a pending freakish snowstorm in the South, I ended up not putting on the game after all of that work.  Before pressing on into more regiments, I was able to make some purchases and find some old friends from 80's Saturday Morning Cartoons.

Crooked Dice Miniatures in the UK puts out some amazing (and costly) models for their 7TV games.  For those not familiar, 7TV is a game with flow and mechanics based in a typical TV show or movie from the 70's and 80's.  With models ranging from Knight Rider, Battlestar Galactica, V - The Final Battle, Omega Man, Road Warrior, Planet of the Apes, James Bond, Austin Powers and such, you can relive all of your favorite movies and shows on the table top.

I was stunned to find two models, in their Atomic Age Savages range, that hold a special place in my 80's heart.  It was none other than the Sunsword wielding hero, Thundarr the Barbarian and his companion, Ookla the Mok.  But, sadly, there was no stunning Princess Ariel!  After contacting Crooked Dice about the errors of their ways to no avail, I figured my only hope was to find an alternate model or get lucky and hope some like minded wargamer had designed a 3D print of the Princess/ Sorceress.

Having searched high low on the 3D print market, I was able find a princess (other than some 'unique' versions of the Disney princess of the same name), I set my sights on find a manufactured model that fit the bill.  One of my recent tricks has been to recycle Heroclix figures for use in other games.  There are many models in their ranges that work in other wargames.  Just cut them carefully off their clix base, glue them to a new base, touch them up or paint them as you wish and off you go!

In this case I found too models that seemed to fit the bill.  One was Vertigo; having her hands forward almost as shown on the DVD cover above.  The second was Donna Troy, who had her hands above her head yielding some type of force power.  After rebasing the models, using internet and the cover images of Princess Ariel, I repainted the minis in her likeness.  I don't think I did half bad!   You can decide.

Below is the fruit of my labor!  I will be using them in upcoming games of 'Wasteland Warriors' Fistful of Lead by Wiley Games.   I'll be sure to share the AAR report.

So until next time...Ookla, Ariel.....RIDE!!!!!



2021 Painted Models: 169

2022 Painted Models:  3

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