Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Ogre Kingdoms Army - Warhammer Fantasy Battles


Greetings Fellow Grognards and Young Guard!

It has been some time since my last post.  Life had a way of getting in the way of all of the fun stuff.  I hope to remedy that soon.  I've also been in a bit of a painting funk, so I have been digging through my pile of shame and building minis to put into my new shelving units in my home office.  At least this way, I will see what I have (get depressed at what is unpainted), prevent myself from ordering duplicates of items on ebay where not needed and send a pile of cardboard boxes currently holding these unbuilt, unpainted minis to the recycler.

Today, I'm posting some pics of a Ogre Kingdoms Army for WFB I finished earlier this year.  I have a few other projects in the works (don't we all!) like more of my Tiger Claw Space Marines, a Reaper Fire Giant Jailer conversion to a Demon for yet another army I am building for Dragon Rampant and some additional trooper for my Brotherhood army for Xenos Rampant.

Of course, Dragon Con 2024 (Atlanta GA) is quickly approaching and that will put a halt to any painting projects for a week.

Hope you enjoy these pictures and GAME ON!


2021 Painted Miniatures: 169

2022 Painted Miniatures: 214

2023 Painted Miniatures: 544

2024 Painted Miniatures:  99 (more to come...SOON!)

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