Thursday, June 2, 2022

What's New in 2022?

Greetings fellow Grognards!!!

It has been quite some time since my last blog.  Life has been busy and there have been some ups and downs for sure.  

Now things are starting to normalize, so I thought I'd take some time to drop a line and talk about what's to come in 2022!

I have been busy for sure and found some time for the hobby.  I hope to post some on Siege of Augusta 2022 as well as Giga Historical Day; both excellent events.  Also, I have found a great skirmish level game that is miniature agnostic and covers many genres; Wiley Games, Fistful of Lead rules.  I have added Jaye Wiley's blog, 'Baron's Blog', as well as Wiley Games links to my blog.  Highly recommend you check them out!

This year we will have some product reviews. I have expanded into the neoprene and vinyl battle mat realms.

I've also come to the realization that I will always have far to many minis than I can ever hope to paint in a year or a lifetime, so I've decided to keep the number on hand 'CLASSIFIED' to lift my spirits (or hide my shame) and report only the positive accomplishments for the year and attempt to out-do my 2021 totals.   Surprisingly, I have many to add already this year.

This year there will be a wide variety of minis shown.  I've made great strides on my 54mm AWI, completing regiments of French Infantry and Artillery as well as Loyalist Infantry and Cavalry!   Thrown in for good measure, I've added another British Artillery team and a campfire set to add to my encampment.

I have not given up on the Dragon Rampant projects.  They are primed and ready to paint, with fresh troops arriving daily.  Orks and Dark Elves will be up first.

As my investments in Wiley Games continues, the model variety grows.  These games allow me to pick up a bunch of new shiny models, that I would not have grabbed before.  Star Wars Legion scale models, for example, have been on my current work list.  This has also allowed me to dabble in 3D printed purchases and come dangerously close to purchasing my own 3D printer!

So much in the much to catch up with on this blog!  I promise to get some more project pics posted this weekend.

Well, until next post Grognards and Young Guard, keep your powder dry, your bayonet sharpened and your eyes on the treeline!  2022 is going to be a great year on 'Of Dice and Army Men'!


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