Sunday, June 5, 2022

Terrain on a Budget 2

 Welcome back Fellow Grognards and Young Guard!

Today's post will be a quick one, showing off a little gem I found on the shelves of a Dollar Tree last year.  Only this year, working up to my 54mm AWI game for Siege of Augusta, was I able to finish this project (literally the night before the convention started in my hotel room).

If you haven't been in a Dollar Tree, you should honestly stop in from time to time. I have stumbled across items that can be repurposed for wargaming.  Often around Christmas or Halloween, the have items that make good wargaming terrain with a little TLC.

This time, I spotted a bag of 54mm Cowboys and Indians. It came with a wagon and a horse, some cowboys and some Indians as well as a campfire and a cooking pot and hanger.

Having hot glued the campfire and the post legs to some thick cardboard, I then base coated the assembly. A short time later, after some quick paint work, I flocked the base and....TA DAA!  Campfire for my AWI camps.


2021 Painted Models: 169

2022 Pained Models:  4

Until Next Time...Keep the campfires burning...and GAME ON!

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