Sunday, June 5, 2022

54mm AWI Loyalist Cavalry - Tarleton's Legion

 Good Day Grognards and Young Guard!

Last year I was delighted to find a range of 54mm AWI models that exhibited a high level of detail.  In my humble opinion, they are second to none.  The company is LOD Enterprises.  A hair larger than the Armies in Plastic and BMC/ Americana models that dominate my collection, it is not significant enough to keep from using them.  They match well against the size of the AIP Cavalry already in my collection.

I can't wait to get these models on the table.  There was a small issue with my purchase.  One of the mounted troopers was missing a sword scabbard, so the guys at LOD made it right and sent me an entirely new model to fill my ranks!  Shame GW doesn't give customer service like that any more!

I promised I'd send LOD some pics of the finished troops on the wargame table, but due to my game being derailed by snow at SOA 2022 in January, they have yet to get to the table for gaming.  I will make good on my promise to the good folks at LOD!

In the meantime, here are some pics of the troops I staged.  As you can see, they are based on Tarleton's Legion. They are Loyalist troops raised in the colonies to fight for the crown!


2021 Painted Models: 169

2022 Painted Models: 10

(I promise, there are many more to come!)

Until next time, keep your powder dry and your saber sharpened!  CHARGE and GAME ON!!!!

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