Sunday, June 5, 2022

AWI 54mm Loyalist Infantry - Butler's and Queen's Rangers

Cheers Fellow Grognards and Young Guard!

It's time for another installment of 'Of Dice and Army Men'! Today I will be posting some new additions to my 54mm AWI armies.  I was able to dig in and finally get to the regiments I had set aside for Butler's Rangers and the Queen's Rangers.  Dressed in green, black and white, they surely make for sharp looking regiments.

These two regiments are loyalist, raised in the colonies.  Many of the officers had experience fighting in the French and Indian War.  Osprey has some excellent material written on the Loyalist forces and their origins in the colonies.  I learned of some Pennsylvania Loyalist regiments founded close to where I grew up.  Who knew?

Just for note, I want to give a shout out to  All of the regiment flags used on my AWI units are from their free library.  Great stuff to be found there.  I highly recommend checking them out.  All flags are set for 28mm, so I just sized them up to 54mm.  I think they look great!  All figures are from Armies in Plastic.  The standard bearers were conversions from a rifleman loading a rifle and using his ramrod.

Butler's Rangers:

 Queen's Rangers:


2021 Painted Models: 169

2022 Painted Models: 34

Until Next Time...Keep your musket at the ready and GAME ON!

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