Sunday, June 5, 2022

AWI 54mm Continental and French Officers

 Greetings Fellow Grognard and Young Guard!

Today's post is about officers!  Without good leadership, an army is just a rabble!

Below I have for you two officers that have joined the ranks of my 54mm AWI troops.

The first is a conversion of a BMC/ Americana figure of Lafeyette.  I cut off Lafeyette's head and replaced it with the head from an Army in Plastic model I had in the extras bin.  I pinned the head and body together and secured with glue.  The conversion was fairly easy.  Painted and ready for action,  I present some pictures below.

Next up is a French Officer.  The model is a BMC/ Americana Lord Cornwallis model.  No conversion work, just a simple alternate paint scheme for the French army.


2021 Painted Models: 169

2022 Painted Models: 36

Next Up:  AWI 54mm French Grenadiers!

Until then...GAME ON!!!

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