Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Dragon Rampant - Arachnid Army



Welcome back fellow Grognards and Young Guard!

Quick installment this week.  Another army I have had in the pipeline for some time; the Arachnid Army!

All miniatures are from Reaper Miniatures.  Just another army I always wanted to put together, but never had rules to run.  That issue was solved by Dragon Rampant.

For this army, think Drow and Underdark.  These could easily be fielded with Drow or Dark Elves.


Spider Queen Sorcerer (Elite Rider, Wizardling, Level-Headed)...10 pts.

Arachnid Warriors (Elite Riders)...6 pts.

Arachnid Warriors (Heavy Riders, Mounted Missiles)...5 pts.

Arachnid Warriors (Heavy Riders, Mounted Missiles)... 5 pts.

Giant Spiders (Lesser Warbeasts, Web Attack)... 6 pts.

Giant Spiders (Lesser Warbeasts, Web Attack)... 6 pts.

Hope you enjoyed this installment of Of Dice and Army Men!

Spider senses are tingling...I'm closing in on last year's record breaking painted miniatures total year.

63 miniatures to go to pass 2022!

Until next time, keep your torches handy in the under dark, keep looking up.  You never know what could be crawling in the shadows above... and GAME ON!


2021 Painted Miniatures: 169

2022 Painted Miniatures: 214

2023 Painted Miniatures: 152

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