Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Dragon Rampant - Army of Anubis


Greeting Fellow Grognards and Young Guard!

Welcome to another installment of 'Of Dice and Army Men'.  

Today I present the Army of Anubis!  Ever since I saw the Mummy Returns and the Anubis Warriors (and the Scorpion King), I was hooked into wanting to put together an army for the table top, but I didn't have any rules to use them with at the time.

Fast forward to today.  Dragon Rampant gives me that ability to field any models I wish that fit the bill for the army I want to build.  Avatar of Anubis is a 3D print purchased off ebay.  Scorpion King, and Anubis Guard are Reaper Miniatures.  Anubis Warriors and Archers are Crocodile Games Miniatures.  Scorpions are from WizKids.  For your enjoyment, I present, the Army of Anubis!

ARMY OF ANUBIS.....36 Pts.

Avatar of Anubis (Elite Foot, single model, w/ Enchanted Weapon)...7 pts.

Scorpion King (Elite Rider, single model)...6 pts.

Anubis Guard (Heavy Foot, reduced model unit) ... 6 pts.

Anubis Guard (Heavy Foot, reduced model unit) ... 6 pts.

Anubis Warriors (Light Foot) ... 3 pts.

Anubis Archers (Light Missiles) ... 4 pts.

Scorpions (Lesser Warbeasts) ... 4 pts.

Avatar of Anubis

Scorpion King

Anubis Guard

Anubis Warriors

Anubis Archers


Next up...the Arachnid Army!

Until then, may the blessings of the Magi be upon you and GAME ON!


2021 Painted Miniatures: 169

2022 Painted Miniatures: 214

2023 Painted Miniatures: 120

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