Sunday, August 6, 2023

Dragon Rampant - Stone Giant Army

 Welcome back fellow Grognards and Young Guard!

Having been on a Giant Army kick, I finally put the finishing touches on my last Giant installment, the Stone Giant Army for Dragon Rampant!

This time I mixed it up a bit and went for a variety of troop types not seen in my other Giant armies.  The army theme, of course, was stone.

What better to fill the ranks of a Stone Giant Army than Earth Elementals, Stone Golems and Gargoyles, either carved and brought to life or summoned by the Stone Giant Carver himself!

The Stone Giants, Stone Golems, and Gargoyles are all Reaper Miniatures.  The Earth Elementals are 3D prints purchased from on ebay.

Hope you enjoy!  I've got a large backlog of painted models to photograph and post, so let's get started!


Stone Giant Carver (Elite Foot/ Wizardling w/ three spells)...8 pts.

Stone Giant Warriors x2 @ 6 pts each (Elite Foot)...12 pts.

Earth Elementals x2 @ 6 pts each (Greater Warbeasts)...12 pts.

Stone Golems (Bellicose Foot w/ Fantastically Shiny Armor, represents stone bodies)...6 pts.

Gargoyles (Lesser Warbeasts w/ Flying)...6pts.

Stone Giant Carver

Stone Giant Warrior

Stone Giant Warrior

Stone Giant Trio

Earth Elemental

Earth Elemental

Earth Elementals

Stone Golems



Stone Giant Army


2021 Painted Miniatures: 169

2022 Painted Miniatures: 214

2023 Painted Miniatures: 79

Up next, an Army I have wanted to build ever since seeing The Mummy Returns; The Army of Anubis, including the Scorpion King!

Until next time, GAME ON!

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