Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Dragon Rampant - Fire Giant Army

 Welcome back fellow Grognards and Young Guard!

Hope this post finds you well,  I wanted to make a quick update and post some pics of one of my favorite new armies for Dragon Rampant, the Fire Giants!

All models are by Reaper Miniatures.  They are of the second iteration of the Fire Giants.  If you purchase some of the original Fire Giant sculpts, I think you will find they are a bit smaller than the later sculpts. Having purchased one of the older bodyguards models, I quickly found this out and quickly relegated him to the "soon to be resold pile".

FIRE GIANT ARMY..... 44 pts.

Fire Giant King w/ Blessed Weapon (Elite Foot)... 8pts.

Fire Giant Queen (Elite Foot)... 6 pts.

Fire Giant Beast Master & Hellhound (Elite Foot w/ Missiles)... 8 pts.

Fire Giant Jailor (Elite Foot)... 6 pts.

Fire Giant Bodyguards X2 (Elite Foot)...12 pts (6 pts. each)

Hellhounds (Lesser Warbeasts)....4 pts.


2021 Painted Miniatures: 169

2022 Painted Miniatures: 214

2023 Painted Miniatures: 64

Hope you enjoyed this installment of 'Of Dice and Army Men'!  Now on the workbench is the fourth installment of the Giant Series, the Stone Giant Army!

Until next time, GAME ON!

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