Thursday, September 8, 2022

AWI - Rebels and Patriots - Game Markers

 Welcome fellow Grognards and Young Guard!  

Today we make a brief step away from a Long Time Ago in a Galaxy Far Far Away and jump back to AWI or Revolutionary War gaming!

As a fan of the Osprey Daniel Mersey titles, I decided to make my own set of game markers for Rebels and Patriots.  They are loosely based on the markers used for Dragon Rampant that can be commercially purchased.

The difference in my markers is that I placed the unit status on one side and the effect on the opposite side for quick reference.

If you followed by Fistful of Lead marker creation post, these were made in similar fashion.  I had to lay out the chips on a word document as a table and then printed them out.  These paper markers were glued to square wooden chips from Hobby Lobby.  Instead of applying Mod Podge to these, I chose to use clear gloss spray paint.  This is much faster and works just as well.

Hope you enjoyed this little get your chits together and GAME ON!


2021 Painted Miniatures: 169

2022 Painted Miniatures: 215

Fistful of Lead - game markers

 Welcome fellow Grognards and Young Guard!  Today I thought I'd bring you a quick look at some markers I made for Fistul of Lead from Wiley Games, using copies of their free PDF file for the markers and some wooden chips from the wood craft section at Hobby Lobby.

The chips used are somewhere between the size of a nickel and a quarter.  They come 12 to a pack, which is very convenient as the paper markers come in groups of 8 or so.  You can work out the numbers needed easily (even using the NEW math of today's schools!)

After wood gluing each marker which I cut in the shape of a circle (or attempted to do so) to one side of the wooden nickels, I let them dry.  I then painted acrylic paint around and sometimes onto the marker to give them a unique look.

Once painted on each side and given time to dry, I brushed on gloss Mod Podge to protect the paper marker, the paint and give them so shine.  Below is the fruits of my labor!

Of course, you can avoid all of this silliness and purchase your markers directly from Wiley Games!

Whichever way you chose, you will find them fairly inexpensive.

So, when the chips are down, keep your poker face firm and GAME ON!


2021 Painted Miniatures: 169

2022 Painted Miniatures: 214

Fistful of Lead - Galactic Heroes - Terrain Special Part III

Welcome back fellow Grognards and Young Guard!  Today we venture out of the rocky wastes of Tatooine and into the town space of Mos Eisely.  Quite frankly, the building can serve for any of your western town games as well.

Below are some mounds that I made out of some scrap pink insulation foam board.  Cut to shape, and hot glued together, they are based on some scrap cardboard.  Prior to painting, I coated them in the fluffy light drywall spackle.  This measure is to prevent the foam from being dissolved by the aerosol paint I later used for the base coating.  After base coating these, I worked them up in dark to light browns to add contrast and highlight detail.


Next up are some 3D printed buildings I found for cheap on eBay.  The three similar buildings are 28mm, while the larger building is actually to 32mm scale.  While not much of a difference appearance wise, it does create a small issue with larger Legion scale figures fitting in the buildings due to height difference when the roofs are applied.

Somewhere in the future, I will likely buy some 32mm scale buildings to replace these for my Legion scale games and keep these for my smaller 28mm figure games.

Now, to bring all this talk of terrain together, below are some pics bringing in the hills, building and some scatter terrain! (forgot to put in a miniature when I was taking the pics!)

In addition, I just wanted to throw in a bonus miniature.  I am not taking credit for painting this one and I don't actually know who the painter is, but I purchased it online.  The model is outstanding and will serve us well!

Next up, something a little different...It's just a jump to the left....

Game tokens for Fistful of Lead!

So until next time...and a step to the right...and GAME ON!


2021 Painted Miniatures: 169

2022 Painted Miniatures: 213

Fistful of Lead - Galactic Heroes - Scatter Terrain Special Part II

 Welcome Grognards and Young Gun to SCATTER TERRAIN SPECIAL PART II!!

Below are some offerings from Fantasy Flight in the Star Wars Legion offerings.  These are classic features from Tatooine.  Below are some moisture vaporators and control panels.  No water farm would be without them on Tatooine!

Simple yet effective!  Hope you enjoyed them.  Next up, we move to some buildings to get our desert town on the map of Tatooine!  Part III to the terrain special is close at hand.

Until then, make sure you get up on the ridge, and make those repairs before Uncle Owen finds out you've been off at Tosche Station picking up power convertors or they'll be hell to pay!  ...and GAME ON!


2021 Painted Miniatures: 169

2022 Painted Miniatures: 204

Fistful of Heroes - Galactic Heroes - Scatter Terrain Special Part I

 Welcome fellow Wargamers to a special 'Of Dice and Army Men' post, SCATTER TERRAIN SPECIAL PART I!

If you've been following along, last blog I posted a cargo hover speeder truck and mentioned that I had also received numerous extra sci-fi crates along with the vehicle.  They since have been turned into scatter terrain.  Along with these, I also picked up small wooden barrels from the wood craft section at the local Hobby Lobby to double as sci-fi containment barrels.

Mixed with those are supply crates from Fantasy Flight.  See if you can pick them out from the rest.

And, with those (say it isn't so!) I also was able to purchase some Crooked Dice terrain to add to the sci-fi flavor and a little variation.  So, without further fanfare, I present to you part I of my scatter terrain!

Having put these together, I must say, I have a real appreciation of what good scatter terrain can do for you table top.  Not only are they there to break up open areas, provide cover and improve the general look of the table, the also conserve as objectives for scenarios.

Hope you enjoyed the first installment of my terrain efforts.

Next up...some iconic terrain from Mos Eisley!

So load that cargo in the transport and GAME ON!


2021 Painted Miniatures: 169

2022 Painted Miniatures: 190

Fistful of Lead - Galactic Heroes - Imperial Infantry and Vehicles

Good Evening Fellow Grognards and Young Guard!  Tonight is the night where it finally happens!  No, not the demise of humanity!  I finally surpass my 2021 painting total!  TADA!  Hmmm...maybe fireworks next time would be better....

For your viewing pleasure, I submit to you the remainder of my Imperial "footsloggers" Infantry!

All models for this squad are 3D prints.

Of course, with all of those squads, you need some good Imperial Officers and Communications Trooper to coordinate the attacks.  All models below again are 3D prints.

So with that I have tied my 2021 record!  To put this thing over the top, I figured I'd go big!  Below is not one, but two vehicles I intend to use in my Star Wars/ Galactic Heroes games!

First up is a shuttle craft.  The shuttle is a 3D printed offering.  Easy to assemble and paint.  The only change I still need to make to this vehicle is add a small magnet and plate to the rear of the craft to keep the shuttle ramp door closed when desired.

The interior of the shuttle cargo compartment is detailed, showing multiple jump seats, which I have painted up.


Following up the shuttle, I was able to pick up a 3D printed hover cargo transport model with a bunch of cargo.  I saved the large piece of cargo for the back of this vehicle while saving the others for scatter terrain.  You'll see more of my scatter terrain soon!

Well, there you have it!  171 models painted this year and more to follow.

NEXT UP...scatter terrain for sci-fi gaming!

Until then, grab your blaster and get ready for that ramp to drop and GAME ON!


2021 Painted Miniatures: 169

2022 Painted Miniatures: 171