Thursday, September 8, 2022

Fistful of Heroes - Galactic Heroes - Scatter Terrain Special Part I

 Welcome fellow Wargamers to a special 'Of Dice and Army Men' post, SCATTER TERRAIN SPECIAL PART I!

If you've been following along, last blog I posted a cargo hover speeder truck and mentioned that I had also received numerous extra sci-fi crates along with the vehicle.  They since have been turned into scatter terrain.  Along with these, I also picked up small wooden barrels from the wood craft section at the local Hobby Lobby to double as sci-fi containment barrels.

Mixed with those are supply crates from Fantasy Flight.  See if you can pick them out from the rest.

And, with those (say it isn't so!) I also was able to purchase some Crooked Dice terrain to add to the sci-fi flavor and a little variation.  So, without further fanfare, I present to you part I of my scatter terrain!

Having put these together, I must say, I have a real appreciation of what good scatter terrain can do for you table top.  Not only are they there to break up open areas, provide cover and improve the general look of the table, the also conserve as objectives for scenarios.

Hope you enjoyed the first installment of my terrain efforts.

Next up...some iconic terrain from Mos Eisley!

So load that cargo in the transport and GAME ON!


2021 Painted Miniatures: 169

2022 Painted Miniatures: 190

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