Thursday, September 8, 2022

Fistful of Lead - Galactic Heroes - Imperial Infantry and Vehicles

Good Evening Fellow Grognards and Young Guard!  Tonight is the night where it finally happens!  No, not the demise of humanity!  I finally surpass my 2021 painting total!  TADA!  Hmmm...maybe fireworks next time would be better....

For your viewing pleasure, I submit to you the remainder of my Imperial "footsloggers" Infantry!

All models for this squad are 3D prints.

Of course, with all of those squads, you need some good Imperial Officers and Communications Trooper to coordinate the attacks.  All models below again are 3D prints.

So with that I have tied my 2021 record!  To put this thing over the top, I figured I'd go big!  Below is not one, but two vehicles I intend to use in my Star Wars/ Galactic Heroes games!

First up is a shuttle craft.  The shuttle is a 3D printed offering.  Easy to assemble and paint.  The only change I still need to make to this vehicle is add a small magnet and plate to the rear of the craft to keep the shuttle ramp door closed when desired.

The interior of the shuttle cargo compartment is detailed, showing multiple jump seats, which I have painted up.


Following up the shuttle, I was able to pick up a 3D printed hover cargo transport model with a bunch of cargo.  I saved the large piece of cargo for the back of this vehicle while saving the others for scatter terrain.  You'll see more of my scatter terrain soon!

Well, there you have it!  171 models painted this year and more to follow.

NEXT UP...scatter terrain for sci-fi gaming!

Until then, grab your blaster and get ready for that ramp to drop and GAME ON!


2021 Painted Miniatures: 169

2022 Painted Miniatures: 171 

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