Monday, September 5, 2022

Fistful of Lead - Galactic Heroes - Hoth Project


Welcome fellow Grognards and Young Guard to another posting of 'Of Dice and Army Men!'

Today's blog is a little taste of an upcoming project around Star Wars and Hoth!

When Vader was ready to deal with the Rebels on Hoth, who did he turn to?  General Veers, of course!  General Veers was an reliable commander of the Empire and Vader counted on him to crack the nut of the Rebel stronghold on Hoth.  The Assault on Hoth included AT-ATs, AT-STs and Imperial Snowtroopers.

For awhile now, I have been entrenched in building up forces for Galactic Heroes on the planet of Tatooine.  One day, I had the itch to paint the following two models.  I scratched that itch and it gave me a breath of painting fresh air that allowed me to go back and paint some more troops for Tatooine.

The figure below is from Fantasy Flight.  I rebased him and used my acrylic texture base and mixed it with some acrylic white for the snow.  Applying the paste liberally to the base to catch the snow pack effect, I also added some larger gravel for accent.

General Veers....

For the next figure, I had found a 3D print online.  Originally, in Empire Strikes Back, this creature had limited screen time, and mostly as a partial creature.  With the film revisions, this creature got some additional play and full body shots at that.  For my second figure, I present, ...

...the WAMPA!

There you have it, a taste of things to come!  On the deck are some Imperial and Rebel Snowtroopers, Luke, Han and Leia in snow gear and more!

I have a few more figs go to to break my 2021 record.  I hope you will continue with me on this quest!

Until then, GAME ON!


2021 Painted Miniatures: 169

2022 Painted Miniatures: 160

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