Sunday, August 28, 2022

Fistful of Lead - Galactic Heroes - Rebel Heroes

Welcome Grognards and Young Guard!  So glad you could join me for another posting of 'Of Dice and Army Men'!

As promised, today we go to the light side of the force and bring some Rebel Heroes to the table!

First up is a pair of 3D models I found on line.  They depict two of our Heroes, Luke Skywalker and Han Solo, in Stormtrooper armor, as seen in Star Wars A New Hope!  I love these models.  I can see an escape from the Detention Center scenario coming up somewhere down the line!  I have some terrain ideas, so can't wait to get on that project!


Next up is a model I found online.  This one was previously painted.  I performed some touch up, rebased the model and gave it a wash.

Our heroes are ready to battle the Empire!

Until next time, May the Force be with you!....and GAME ON!


2021 Painted Miniatures: 169

2022 Painted Miniatures: 158 

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