Thursday, September 8, 2022

Fistful of Lead - Galactic Heroes - Terrain Special Part III

Welcome back fellow Grognards and Young Guard!  Today we venture out of the rocky wastes of Tatooine and into the town space of Mos Eisely.  Quite frankly, the building can serve for any of your western town games as well.

Below are some mounds that I made out of some scrap pink insulation foam board.  Cut to shape, and hot glued together, they are based on some scrap cardboard.  Prior to painting, I coated them in the fluffy light drywall spackle.  This measure is to prevent the foam from being dissolved by the aerosol paint I later used for the base coating.  After base coating these, I worked them up in dark to light browns to add contrast and highlight detail.


Next up are some 3D printed buildings I found for cheap on eBay.  The three similar buildings are 28mm, while the larger building is actually to 32mm scale.  While not much of a difference appearance wise, it does create a small issue with larger Legion scale figures fitting in the buildings due to height difference when the roofs are applied.

Somewhere in the future, I will likely buy some 32mm scale buildings to replace these for my Legion scale games and keep these for my smaller 28mm figure games.

Now, to bring all this talk of terrain together, below are some pics bringing in the hills, building and some scatter terrain! (forgot to put in a miniature when I was taking the pics!)

In addition, I just wanted to throw in a bonus miniature.  I am not taking credit for painting this one and I don't actually know who the painter is, but I purchased it online.  The model is outstanding and will serve us well!

Next up, something a little different...It's just a jump to the left....

Game tokens for Fistful of Lead!

So until next time...and a step to the right...and GAME ON!


2021 Painted Miniatures: 169

2022 Painted Miniatures: 213

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