Sunday, November 19, 2023

Way Back Machine - Necromunda Adeptus Arbites

 Greeting fellow Grognards and Young Guard!

Continuing with the deep dive into the pile of shame, I present for you my Adeptus Arbites.  Having collected about half of what you see below over 25 years ago(?), within the last year, I had some ebay luck and found some additional troops for a great price!  Of course, I couldn't pass up some OOP minis to add to the pile for 'cheap', so the purchase was made.  

With the pending trip to Pennsylvania this past October, I was pressing hard to paint up all of the old Necromunda forces to take them with to have them available for gaming.

All of my old paint jobs were "touched up" and the new troops were painted to match.  I'm quite happy with these guys.  I really love the Arbites models and can't wait to get them on the table.

Hope you enjoy!

With these 16 models, I have broken the 400 miniatures painted in one year threshold and continue to drive up the record anew with each model completed!  2024 is going to be a tough one to break this record.  Maybe I should stop painting?  (Hmmm...)

Let the Ganger scum of the Underhive beware, the Adeptus Arbites are on the move and will be cracking some skulls!  GAME ON!


2021 Painted Miniatures: 169

2022 Painted Miniatures: 214

2023 Painted Miniatures: 412!!!

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