Sunday, November 19, 2023

Late "Orktober"


Greetings Grognards and Young Guard!

Sometime the real world gets in the way of the hobbies we love.  Of course, the real world tends to pay for the hobby habits we have, so not really complaining!

Unfortunately I missed the "Orktober" submission this year, but thought I'd put it out there anyway.  Some of these models have been sitting in my "pile of shame for decades".  

As I was going to see some old friends in Pennsylvania in October and our plan was to play some Necromunda, this gave me an opportunity to knock out painting/ re-painting my Necromunda gangs as well as getting to the Orks that had been collecting along side of them in an old GW figure case.

Many of these miniatures were from the Gorkamorka line, but I can't wait to use them for some Fistful of Lead Galactic Heroes or in a Necromunda game or campaign.  Who knows, I might even build a Xenos Rampant army of these Greenskins (UPDATE:  I have some more Orks with Shootas and Choppas ordered and on the way to make that come true!).

Hope you enjoy the troops below!  This also continues to pad my 2023 Painted miniatures record and is going to make breaking it in 2024 a real challenge!  Fortunately, there is a large "pile of shame" ready to supply minis to help me break the record in 2024!

Until next time....Happy (belated) Orktober!  GAME ON!


2021 Painted Miniatures: 169

2022 Painted Miniatures: 214

2023 Painted Miniatures: 396!!! (400 is just around the corner!)

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