Sunday, September 17, 2023

Vampire Warband - Dragon Rampant

 Welcome Fellow Grognards and Young Guard to another post of 'Of Dice and Army Men'!

This episode, for your enjoyment, I offer the Vampire Warband for Dragon Rampant!  Inspiration for this army comes from Count Vlad in Dracula mixed with the Vampire army in one of the Underworld movies.

I've been wanting to build this army for sometime now and have been working to collect the variety of figures in the army for a very long time.

Vampire Warband .. 45 pts.

Vampire Mtd Lord (Elite Rider/ single model) ... 6 pts. (Games Workshop)

Vampire Wizardling (Elite Foot/ single model) ... 8 pts (Reaper Miniatures)

Vampire Knights (Elite Riders) ... 6 pts (Games Workshop)

Vampire Warriors (Elite Foot) ... 6 pts. (Reaper Miniatures)

Vampire Spearmen (Light Foot) ... 3 pts. (Reaper Miniatures)

Vampire Swordsmen (Heavy Foot) ... 6 pts. (Reaper Miniatures)

Vampire Archers (Light Missiles) ... 4 pts (Chronopia)

Vampire Axemen (Bellicose Foot) ... 6 pts (Chronopia)

Until next time....GAME ON!


2021 Painted Miniatures: 169

2022 Painted Miniatures: 214

2023 Painted Miniatures: 366

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