Sunday, November 19, 2023

Necromunda - Bounty Hunters - Hired Guns

 Welcome back fellow Grognards and Young Guard!

Just another quick post of some Necromunda miniatures FINALLY painted and no longer on the "pile of shame"!

These two fellows can be used as Hired Guns or Bounty Hunters in Necromunda.  Of course, they will go well in my Galactic Heroes Games.

The first is a Cyborg Bounty Hunter/ Hired Gun.  With chainsword in cybernetic hand and hotshot lasrifle, he is ready to bring his bounty to justice!

The second Bounty Hunter/ Hired Gun is armed to the teeth, with Bolt Gun, Bolt Pistol, Shotgun, Chainsword, Grenades and more.  This Bounty Hunter means serious business (setting aside the mutton chops!  LOL!)

Beware Underhive Scum...if there is bounty on your head, better run for the deepest parts of the Underhive, because these guys are on your trail!

Until next time, GAME ON!


2021 Painted Miniatures: 169

2022 Painted Miniatures: 214

2023 Painted Miniatures: 414!!!

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