Sunday, September 17, 2023

Goblin Warband - Dragon Rampant

 Welcome fellow Grognards and Yound Guard to another installment of 'Of Dice and Army Men'!

2023 has been a wonderful ride!  I've been spending a lot of time painting (need more time playing!) and knocking out armies/ warbands.  Last post I made my 50 post mark and was able to break my 2022 models painted record!  2023 is going to be a year to beat, and I'm making a serious dent in the pile of shame.

Up next, for Dragon Rampant, the Goblin Warband!  Again, as with my Dragon Rampant warbands, I try to work in as many manufacturers as possible and like to reach back to days gone by to use models no longer produced.

Hope you enjoy!

Goblin Warband .... 46 pts.

Goblin Chieftain and Bodyguard (Heavy Foot) ... 6 pts  (Heartbreaker & Chronopia)

Goblin Shaman (Light Foot/ Wizardling) ... 5 pts. (Reaper Miniatures)

Goblin Heavy Warriors (Heavy Foot) ... 6 pts. (Heartbreaker)

Goblin Swordsmen (x3 units) (Light Foot) ... 5 pts ea for 15 pts (Chronopia)

Goblin Archers (Light Missiles) ... 4 pts (Reaper Miniatures)

Goblin Wolf Riders (Heavy Riders) ... 4 pts. (Oathmark)

Stone Trolls (Heavy Foot) ... 6 pts.  (Games Workshop)

Next up...a little something different...Terrain on a Budget...Mushroom forest! (and there will be no Smurfs involved!)

Until then, GAME ON!


2021 Painted Miniatures: 169

2022 Painted Miniatures: 214

2023 Painted Miniatures: 290

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