Sunday, September 17, 2023

Orc Army - Dragon Rampant

 Welcome Fellow Grognards and Young Guard!

Happy 50th Blog!  Well, might not be as exiting as a million viewer button from YouTube, but I was quite surprised that I had reached this mark.

2023 has been a very productive year on the paint table.  Honestly, I have been trying to catch up with my posts on painted models this year.  The major push has been Dragon Rampant armies, but I have completed other projects that I hope to post here soon.

For your enjoyment on this 50th post, I offer the Orc Army for Dragon Rampant!

Orc Warband....36 pts.

Orc Warlord on Dire Wolf (Elite Rider/ Leader).... 6 pts.  (Wizards of the Coast)

Black Orcs (Heavy Foot/ Offensive) ... 6 pts.  (Heartbreaker)

Assault Orcs (Heavy Foot) ... 4pts. (Chronopia)

Assault Orcs (Heavy Foot/ Reduced Models) ... 4 pts (Chronopia)

Orc Archers (Light Missiles) ... 4pts.  (Reaper Miniatures)

Orc Crossbowmen (Heavy Missiles) ... 4 pts.  (Harlequin)

Ogres (x2 units) (Bellicose Foot) ... 4pts each for 8 pts. (Games Workshop w/ head swaps with GW Orks)

Hope you enjoyed this installment of "Of Dice and Army Men"!

One parting shot.  With this army painted and posted, I've reached a new high for miniatures painted!


Next up...Goblin Warband for Dragon Rampant!



2021 Painted Miniatures: 169

2022 Painted Miniatures: 214

2023 Painted Miniatures: 220 !!!  NEW RECORD!

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