Sunday, September 17, 2023

Vampire Warband - Dragon Rampant

 Welcome Fellow Grognards and Young Guard to another post of 'Of Dice and Army Men'!

This episode, for your enjoyment, I offer the Vampire Warband for Dragon Rampant!  Inspiration for this army comes from Count Vlad in Dracula mixed with the Vampire army in one of the Underworld movies.

I've been wanting to build this army for sometime now and have been working to collect the variety of figures in the army for a very long time.

Vampire Warband .. 45 pts.

Vampire Mtd Lord (Elite Rider/ single model) ... 6 pts. (Games Workshop)

Vampire Wizardling (Elite Foot/ single model) ... 8 pts (Reaper Miniatures)

Vampire Knights (Elite Riders) ... 6 pts (Games Workshop)

Vampire Warriors (Elite Foot) ... 6 pts. (Reaper Miniatures)

Vampire Spearmen (Light Foot) ... 3 pts. (Reaper Miniatures)

Vampire Swordsmen (Heavy Foot) ... 6 pts. (Reaper Miniatures)

Vampire Archers (Light Missiles) ... 4 pts (Chronopia)

Vampire Axemen (Bellicose Foot) ... 6 pts (Chronopia)

Until next time....GAME ON!


2021 Painted Miniatures: 169

2022 Painted Miniatures: 214

2023 Painted Miniatures: 366

Terrain on a Budget - Mushroom Forest

 Welcome Fellow Grognards and Young Guard!

Post 52 brings us something a little different!  Walking through Hobby Lobby with my daughter, I was on the hunt for anything that could be converted into anything for wargaming, particularly if it is on sale.  My daughter, knowing her father well, spotted something in the Fall section and quickly yelled out, "Dad, you need 'shrooms'!"

I turned to see just what the heck she was talking about and there on the shelf were these little bags of foam mushrooms, in brown caps or multi-color caps (orange/ yellow/ red).  

My mind began to churn and I envisioned a forest of mushrooms on the table top!  I'm sure I saw this on a Dungeons and Dragons cartoon episode (btw...Today is the anniversary of the Dungeons and Dragons Cartoon Premiere as well as the Battlestar Galactica 1978 Premiere).

I quickly remembered seeing wood circle and ovals on sale as well and picked up a bunch for bases.  Everything else on the workbench quickly was shoved to the back burner and off I went!

To give these some variety, I cut the mushroom stems to varying heights, before gluing them to the wooden bases.  The undersides and the dots on the tops were painted on and the mushrooms stems painted in 'mushroom' color.  

Some hot glue and a good hot blue burn on my finger later, you see the product below!  I can't wait to use these in a skirmish game!  The whole project yielded 8 bases of 4 and 8 bases of 3.  Now I just need a Cheshire Cat!

Hope you enjoy!


2021 Painted Miniatures: 169

2022 Painted Miniatures: 214

2023 Painted Miniatures: 306

Goblin Warband - Dragon Rampant

 Welcome fellow Grognards and Yound Guard to another installment of 'Of Dice and Army Men'!

2023 has been a wonderful ride!  I've been spending a lot of time painting (need more time playing!) and knocking out armies/ warbands.  Last post I made my 50 post mark and was able to break my 2022 models painted record!  2023 is going to be a year to beat, and I'm making a serious dent in the pile of shame.

Up next, for Dragon Rampant, the Goblin Warband!  Again, as with my Dragon Rampant warbands, I try to work in as many manufacturers as possible and like to reach back to days gone by to use models no longer produced.

Hope you enjoy!

Goblin Warband .... 46 pts.

Goblin Chieftain and Bodyguard (Heavy Foot) ... 6 pts  (Heartbreaker & Chronopia)

Goblin Shaman (Light Foot/ Wizardling) ... 5 pts. (Reaper Miniatures)

Goblin Heavy Warriors (Heavy Foot) ... 6 pts. (Heartbreaker)

Goblin Swordsmen (x3 units) (Light Foot) ... 5 pts ea for 15 pts (Chronopia)

Goblin Archers (Light Missiles) ... 4 pts (Reaper Miniatures)

Goblin Wolf Riders (Heavy Riders) ... 4 pts. (Oathmark)

Stone Trolls (Heavy Foot) ... 6 pts.  (Games Workshop)

Next up...a little something different...Terrain on a Budget...Mushroom forest! (and there will be no Smurfs involved!)

Until then, GAME ON!


2021 Painted Miniatures: 169

2022 Painted Miniatures: 214

2023 Painted Miniatures: 290