Thursday, August 25, 2022

Fistful of Lead - Galactic Heroes - Imperial Sandtroopers

Greetings fellow Grognards and Young Guard!

It has been awhile since my last blog, but not since my last painting session.  So much to blog about as I draw closer and closer to passing my 2021 painting totals.

This post is for one of favorite Star Wars characters, Imperial Sandtroopers.  I have loved the look of these guys since I was a kid.  They are the foot sloggers in the special gear.  The police force of Mos Eisley.  I have amassed a bunch of these models and finally got to sit down and paint some up.

I also learned, during my photo session, how brittle 3D printed models can be.  The first Sandtrooper I picked up to put in front of the camera was the Sandtrooper Captain.  In the process of moving him from the tray to the stage, I dropped him onto my hardwood floor!  His head came flying off his shoulders.  Luckily, I was able to glue it back into position.

Hope you enjoy the pictures!  There are many more to come.  All Sandtroopers are 3D prints from online with the exception of the Heavy Weapon Trooper, who is from Fantasy Flight Games.  

In the next few blogs, I'll be cutting over to some terrain as I have been hard at work, getting ready to throw down our first game of Galactic Heroes with painted models and new terrain!

Until next time, keep the sand out of your blasters and GAME ON!


2021 Painted Miniatures: 169

2022 Painted Miniatures: 117 (slowly catching my record for 2021!)

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