Sunday, June 5, 2022

Fistful of Lead - Galactic Heroes - Shoretroopers

 Welcome fellow Grognards and Young Guard!

Glad you could be with me for this posting of 'Of Dice and Army Men'!

My latest project was truly a joy to paint.  I have always wanted to add some Imperial Shoretroopers to my ranks since seeing Rogue One, but there was nothing out there on the market to be had.  Then came Star Wars Legion by Fantasy Flight Games.  I wasn't interested in getting into the new game itself, but absolutely love the model range and access to said models.  Since the game erupted on the seen, it has spawned numerous vendors of 3D printed models who make some great products to put on your table top.  

Enter Fistful of Lead, Galactic Heroes.  Small scale skirmish (which can be run as a large scale battle as well using their 'Bigger Battles' rules) based, so fewer models needed.  Perfect for allowing me to buy more models!

One fine day, trolling the ebay notifications, I was happy to run into a seller who was selling Shoretroopers already base coated.  They would require rebasing and painting but they were an absolute steal!  After some delay and getting stuck in and painting them, they are finally finished and pictured below for your enjoyment.  IMHO, they are some of the best miniatures I have ever painted.  Personally, I am thoroughly pleased with the outcome.

Two units of seven miniatures were purchased, each including some kind of mortar.  They have all been rebased.   All miniatures are made by Fantasy Flight Games.  I'm looking forward to getting these guys on the table!

Next Time...I hope to be adding some more 3D printed model purchases to the ranks for Galactic Heroes and more wins in the 2022 Painted Minis column.


2021 Painted Miniatures: 169

2022 Painted Miniatures: 111 (slowly catching my record for 2021!)

Until next time...Keep your blaster charged and within reach!  GAME ON!

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