Sunday, May 9, 2021

54mm AWI American Continentals


Welcome fellow Grognards to another installment of my 54mm AWI forces for Rebels and Patriots.  Things have been busy around the household and I've been distracted with a bunch of deliveries from ebay around another of my projects for Dragon Rampant.  But I digress...

As promised, I have uploaded some pics off the trusty smart phone to show you the 24 point American Continental Army ready to do battle.  Of course there are other items in the works, but more of that later.

American Continental 24 pt. Army List

Line Infantry (Continentals - pre uniform standard "Browns") (12 models w/ Leader) 4pts.

Line Infantry (Continentals - post uniform standard "Blues") (12 models) 4 pts.

Light Infantry (12 models) (Aggressive) 7 pts.

Line Infantry (Militia) (12 models) (Timid, Good Shooters) 5 pts.

Light Artillery (Cannon and 4 crew) 4 pts.

Figures are mainly from Armies in Plastics as well as BMC/ Americana and some conversions using figures and parts from each to better represent troop types.  Flags are all from and re-scaled for 54mm.

First up, the pre-Continental Uniform standard Continentals in brown uniforms.  Pennsylvania had a regiment early in the war outfitted in this kit; red collars and trim, brown jackets.  Figures from Armies in Plastic.

Next up, another unit of Continentals, however, this time outfitted in post uniform standards issue in their dress red, white and blue!  Figures from Armies in Plastic.

To support the Line Infantry, a unit of Light Infantry, given the 'Aggressive' trait to help in hand-to-hand combat.  The Light show some conversion work.  For the regiment standard, I cut the head off of the Armies in Plastic troop, removed his loading rifle, and drilled holes in his hands for the brass wire for the flag pole.  I then did a head swap with a BMC/ Americana Hessian, to go with the unit which are all BMC/ Americana Hessians.  With a little Dremmel work and a cut piece of pipe cleaner for the feathers, I was able to create a better Light Infantry head gear look.

Following them are the Colonial Militia.  I used Armies in Plastics figures for these and chose models without bayonets.  To reflect this I gave them the 'Timid' trait as well as the 'Good Shooter' trait.

Finally, supporting the army is the Continental Light Artillery and 4 crew (Note:  I have six models painted up for crew to use for Medium Artillery if needed.  Figures are BMC/ Americana.

Next, a few shots of the troops in battle array!

So, there you have it.  A full 24 point American Continental Army ready to fight for Freedom and cast off the yoke of British tyranny!  

I have a few more 54mm AWI projects on the table at this time.  Another regiment of Colonial Militia (12 models) are in progress.  A half painted unit of French Line Infantry (12 models) are awaiting the newly purchased troops to help fill their ranks.  A unit each of British and Continental Cavalry (6 models each) are in the works as well as two units of Northeastern Woodland Indians; 18 models per unit.  All of these figures are from the Armies in Plastic line.

Sooner or later I'll get my purchased vs. painted stats up and running to show my 2021 progress.

So, until next time, keep your muskets clean and your bayonets at the ready!

NEXT UP: 54mm Northeastern Woodland Indians