Monday, April 26, 2021

54mm Cheap Terrain and a little elbow grease...

 This is double post day, trying to catch up...

In my last post, I snapped some pics of my AWI British in front of some buildings and tents.  

Tents are from a Timpo.  They were hot glued to a piece of cardboard and then base coated.  The whole thing was then painted and base was flocked.

The buildings are actually all wooden birdhouses you can pick up at a Michael's Craft store.

There are two versions used.  The first log cabin I used as a log cabin and then added cereal board siding.  The roof on each is individual cut cardboard roofing.  The original chimneys were removed and I added foam chimneys to the side carved from pink foam board.  Window and door details were added as well.  Base coat was applied and they were painted up for colonial period.  The watering trough was made from a foam block and covered in cereal board planks.  Barrels are the large wood barrels at Hobby Lobby painted with Sharpie wood grain applied!

The third building is a block house.  It started as a shed/ house, but then I figured I would add simple guns slits for a block house as I had seen at Old 96 in SC and the reconstructed block house there.  I still may cut the slits into the wood to give more of a depth to the firing slots.  Right now, the magic of Sharpie is again doing the job!

I'm planning on creating another building for my town.  I need to add a church as the town center.  Now if I can only find one more of those log cabins....

Next Up:  54mm AWI Continentals

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