Monday, April 26, 2021

54mm AWI British

 Well April is almost through and still so much to do...

Making good on my promise, below are a few shots of my 54mm AWI British forces.  I have built this force around a 24 point army for Rebels and Patriots by Osprey Publishing.  Of course, it could be used for many other rule sets.  Each figure is individually based.  Using a 40mm round base, I used a ton of cardboard from soda can holders, etc. and hot glued two of the discs together to make a base.  To add more weight to the base, I then slapped on some wood putty around the edges, after the soldiers had been secured to them. 

The figures are a mix of BMC/Americana and Armies in Plastic. As always, before painting, I wash my toy soldiers in a dish washing liquid warm water bath and let the air dry.  This helps remove the mold release agents and such to allow for a good base coat with a made for plastic primer, Krylon, that you can pick up at any Walmart.  Soldiers are then hot glued to the carboard bases.

Long story short, here is the current list for the British in Rebels and Patriots terms.

Line Infantry (includes your officer) 12 models  = 4pts.

Line Infantry 12 models = 4pts.

Light Infantry 12 models = 6pts.

Shock Infantry (Grenadiers) 12 models = 6pts.

Light Artillery (4 models) = 4pts.  (pictured with 6 models as used for Medium Artillery)

Additionally, for variety, I have the German Jaegers; 12 models for Skirmishers for 2pts and you can add Sharpshooter to the for 4pts.

In the works are some Native Americans and a unit of Cavalry.

Not all units need standards, but I chose to give my units each standards.  Each standard was converted removing a rifle and drilling holes aligned through each had to directly feed the pole.  Flags were upscaled from 28mm to 54mm, free from Wood glue is applied to one half and wrapped around the pole, bending the flag to give a wavy appearance and let set dry.  Of course this happens all after the model is painted!

Line Infantry (unit #1).  Figures are from Armies in Plastic.

Line Infantry (unit #2).  Figures are from Armies in Plastic.

Light Infantry (hats were slightly shaped with Dremel tool from Hessian hats).  Figures mainly are BMC/ Americana with officer and standards from Armies in Plastic.

Shock Infantry (Grenadiers) (I did some head swaps on the color guard.)  Figures are mainly from BMC/ Americana.  Standards were created from two Armies in Plastic troop with BMC/ Americana Grenadiers head swaps.  The officer is from Armies in Plastic.

Light Artillery (shown with two additional crew as Medium Artillery) (Had to do a repair job on the officer.  The models often have only half a pistol so I had to fabricate one.)  The cannon and crew are BMC/ Americana figures.

Skirmishers (German Jaegers).  Figures are from Armies in Plastic.

The British Army (so far...)

Hope you enjoyed the troop inspection! 

Next Up:  Simple 54mm terrain!

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