Monday, April 26, 2021

What's in store for 2021?

Welcome everyone!  

Just wanted to open up with a little background and then get into the plan for 2021!

Over the years, I've waged war across the table tops of distant worlds, fantastic realms, and historical periods from Ancients through to Modern wars; and met many wonderful people and made new friends along the way.  You find that most people who enjoy the hobby fall into the category of just being lucky to have had the opportunity to have played.  Life is busy, friends are scattered and it take a conscious effort to make time for our gaming (and usually a very understanding spouse!).  I've visited conventions where friends are seen but once a year, but the moment we hit the tables, it is like we had not missed a beat!

I've spent a lot of time in the realm of "Oldhammer"; coming from a big battle background, but I always found great enjoyment in warband and skirmish level gaming.  That is where I find myself now.  28mm has always been my scale of choice, but have also found that 54mm gaming is sure exciting to see on the table at conventions and skirmish gaming.  

Recently, I've found Daniel Mersey's Osprey rule sets.  If you have not tried them, you are missing out!  Lion Rampant, Dragon Rampant, Rebels and Patriots, The Pikeman's Lament, and The Men Who Would Be Kings all have a similar structure, but all have their own period rules that make each unique.  They are not tied to specific models nor strict army lists!  As you will see in posts to come, I have armies made of models from many manufacturers.

Lately, I've made quite a few acquisitions; the pile of pewter and plastic is growing out of control!  The plan for this year is to paint more than I purchase and knock out a few key projects.  I hope to have a model tracker rolling through this year.

Project #1 (A,B, C, D): 54mm Rebels and Patriots - American Revolution (ie. American War of Independence).  I have a full 24 point British and Continental army and am working on additions in the way of cavalry as well as bringing in Hessians and French!

Project#2 (A, B, C, D, E, F, G) :  28mm Dragon Rampant - Dark Elves, Orcs, and Western Men.  I have the Western Men covered with my good "Oldhammer" Empire troops.  The Dark Elves have been purchased and are awaiting painting.  The Orcs have almost been assembled, awaiting one ebay delivery from the hinterlands.  Within this project, I already have the makings of a Frost Giant and a Fire Giant army, as well as a Demon Army.  If it hadn't been for a lost shipment, the last army would be well on the way to completion.  I need to gather the new Demon Warriors from Frostgrave!  Joy!  There is always room for a Gnoll Army (that would be 'Project 2-G' if you were keeping up)!

Project #3 (A, B):  28mm The Men Who Would Be Kings - after many moons on the dusty shelves of the halls of unpainted plastic, I am finally going to put together the British and the Zulu forces.  Rorke's Drift anyone?

Project #4 (A, B): 28mm The Last Days Zombie Apocalypse - I've worked on collecting plenty of zombies and survivors.  Now to get them built and some paint on them.

Project #5 (A, B): 28mm This Is Not A Test - create two groups for this game. I've been wanting to play this one for years.  Maybe this will be the year!

Project #6:  28mm Blood Angels - rework the old beaky nose marines, rebasing them to bring them up to speed.

Project #7:  Star Wars Terrain - more buildings and scatter terrain for a Mos Eisley multi-player game I am looking to take to a Convention in 2022. 

Ambitious? Of course it is!  You can see how the madness creeps in with each cool model that gets produced and flashed in front of our screens!  

Hope you will stick with me to see what all transpires!

Next Posting:  54mm AWI - British and some shot of cheap "scratch built" terrain!

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