Wednesday, May 19, 2021

54mm AWI Northeastern Woodland Indians

 Hail Grognards!

Welcome back to another installment of my current project in 54mm, AWI Northeastern Woodland Indians.  I finally based these up last night, putting to bed another piece of what feels like an old Soviet 7 year plan!  The dip was a bit dark and with the gloss, really hid the colors I had worked so hard to capture on the face and body art and clothes. But, after hitting it with a good matte coat and adding the basing, the features began to come out.  One day, if I'm feeling rather adventurous, I may go back in and add dry brush highlights; when I have time...LOL...

These figures are once again from the Armies in Plastic Line.  I really love the mix of poses on these and you get 18 figures per box, which is exactly what you need to field a large unit of Natives in Rebels and Patriots for 5pts.  If you trim them back to 12 figures, it only costs you 4 pts.

So have it your way!

The War Party...ready to fight for their British allies!

Reload and fire!

Snipping behind trees and rock, before the Tomahawks are unleashed!

Knives and Tomahawks at the ready!

The Native are restless!

Well, there you have it!  Another unit in the books! The beauty of these figures is that I can use them for a future 54mm French and Indian War project!   Ah the madness!  Speaking of madness...

As promised, I said I would finally figure out the numbers on my "TBP" (that's 'To Be Painted') pile.  So after much shuffling, gnashing of teeth and something that may have involved calculus, I have arrived at the (insane) total below.  I will keep track of them as the year progresses.

Unpainted: 1442

Painted:  146

So, until next time, may the dice be gracious and your battles many!

NEXT UP: 54mm AWI British Mounted Dragoons

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