Sunday, March 31, 2024

Side Projects - Expect the Unexpected - Avatar AMP Suits

 Greetings Gronards and Young Guard!

Hope your 2024 is going well!  I'm catching up on posting some projects I have finished this year so far. 

This was a little side project that found its way into the line-up and to the top of the pile of shame.

I always take a trip through the clearance aisle at Walmart to see what I find.  The other day I found 5 Avatar AMP Suit toys in a local Walmart for $3.50 each.  Looking at the size of the drivers, they appeared to be a good fit for 28-32mm miniatures.  There were two versions.  One of the versions is pictured below.

Using some wooden circle bases I had on hand, I quickly mounted and positioned the 5 AMP suits on individual bases.  The paint job on them was pretty good, so didn't want to go overboard and repaint the entirety of the suits.  I looked at some Avatar video and images of the larger versions of these McFarlane produced suits to see what details might be added.  I repainted all of the suit numbers, adding them to the backside of the suits, which had been on those at the large size and in the movie.  I also picked out some metallic details and blacked out the canopies from the inside as I would not be using the drivers.

Prior to painting, I had positioned the arms and glued the rifles in their hand for a marching pose.  The construction of the toy doesn't seem to allow the off hand from reaching the weapon, so it is what it is, and I positioned it the best I could.

Before washing, I gave the unit numbers I painted on a coating of flat varnish to protect them.  I did the same for the details of the maker on the weapons as well.  I then applied GW Nuln Oil to the entire walker (minus the canopy glass).

After drying, I then finished each model by doing the bases.  These walkers will end up in my pending Warzone Capitol troops army for Xenos Rampant.

Very cheap and quick to do use of toys for wargames dreadnoughts/ walkers/ mechs.

I did not picture all five completed and I have one more on the way to round out the forces.

Until Next Time fellow Grognards and Young Guard, lock and load....and GAME ON!


2021 Painted Miniatures: 169

2022 Painted Miniatures: 214

2023 Painted Miniatures: 544

2024 Painted Miniatures:  15 (more to come...SOON!)

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