Sunday, December 31, 2023

Dragon Rampant Army - Ogres!


Welcome fellow Grognards and Young Guard to the final installment for 'Of Dice and Army Men' for 2023!

I've managed to set a hefty new record for painted miniatures 2023!  With the miniatures below, I have logged 544 painted miniatures and terrain pieces for 2023!

Not sure how I will break that record for next year but we'll see!

Hope to see all of you back here in 2024 when I continue to tackle the pile of shame.  In 2024, my goal is to get more games played in as I've spent far more time painting this year than playing.

In January, I am looking forward to my annual pilgrimage to Siege of Augusta in Augusta GA; a great annual convention!  If you can make it, I highly recommend it.

Best Wishes and a Happy New Year to all of my fellow Grognards and the Young Guard!


2021 Painted Miniatures: 169

2022 Painted Miniatures: 214

2023 Painted Miniatures: 544!!! NEW RECORD!

In the works is an Ogre Army for Warhammer Fantasy 6th/ 7th Ed.

Until next time...Happy New Year and GAME ON!

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