Sunday, December 3, 2023

Dragon Rampant - Lions and Tigers and Bugbears, oh my!

 Welcome fellow Grognards and Young Guard!

Hope for those in the US, you had an enjoyable Thanksgiving!

On the top of the pile of shame for some time now have been a load of Bugbears, pulled together to be used as a Dragon Rampant army.  Every since I saw these models, I knew I wanted to put them together as an army and when Dragon Rampant came along, I knew I had the rules to make that happen.

Pulling together a selection of Reaper Bones and Reaper Dark Heavens models, below I offer my Bugbear Army.

Bugbear Army....24 pts

Bugbear Chieftain (Heavy Foot) Leader...7pts.

Bugbear Shaman (Light Foot/ Wizardling)...5pts.

Bugbear Warriors (Bellicose Foot) 3 Units @ 4pts per unit for 12 pts.


2021 Painted Miniatures: 169

2022 Painted Miniatures: 214

2023 Painted Miniatures: 502!!! NEW RECORD!

In the works is another Dragon Rampant project; an Ogre Army!  After that, I will be ticking with the Ogre theme and creating an Ogre Army for Warhammer Fantasy 7th Ed.

Until next time...GAME ON!

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