Monday, November 27, 2023

Necromunda - Orlocks!


Welcome Grognards and Young Guard!

Today, the final installment of my October painting spree; completing the pile of Necromunda miniatures on the pile of shame.  Some had been there for decades!

As old school Necromunda players know, the original box set included Goliaths and Orlocks in plastic.

Below is my collection of both metal and plastic Orlocks.  Amongst the plastic figures are a few conversions to allow upgrades.

Hope you enjoy these while I press on to other projects!

Next up, moving from the dark Underhive to the dark world of Dragon Rampant...Bugbears!

Grab your sword and shield and make ready for battle!



2021 Painted Miniatures: 169

2022 Painted Miniatures: 214

2023 Painted Miniatures: 482!!! (Only 18 miniatures away from 500!)

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