Saturday, July 1, 2023

Dragon Rampant - Hill Giant Army

 Hello fellow Grognards!  

I know it has been awhile since my last post, but I have been busy, very busy.  Quite a few projects on the burner and a ton of painting completed, so I have quite a backlog of posting to do.  So let's get started!

Dragon Rampant armies have been high on the work list.  Below is a look at my new Hill Giant Army (36pts.).  Models are all from Reaper Miniatures as I try to use as many non-GW models as possible to add variety to my armies.  

I have also made some custom unit cards for the Army and now have them in hard plastic card sleeves for durability and game play.  An example below.  Hope to upload them to the site for your use.  Enjoy!

                                                                HILL GIANT ARMY


                                                  HILL GIANT HUNTER w/ DIRE CAT






Hill Giant Army List:  36 pts.

Hill Giant King with Blessed Weapon (8pts.) [Elite Foot]

Hill Giant Beastmaster with Dire Cat (8pts.) [Elite Foot]

    Note:  Dire Cat is counted as "shooting" for the unit.

Hill Giant Bodyguard (6pts.) [Elite Foot]

Hill Giant Bodyguard (6pts.) [Elite Foot]

Ogres (4pts.) [Bellicose Foot] (Reduced Model Unit)

Ogres (4pts.) [Bellicose Foot]  (Reduced Model Unit)


Print, cut, fold and slip into a hard case card sleeve!

Models are all from Reaper Miniatures as I try to use as many non-GW models as possible to add variety to my armies.


2021 Painted Miniatures: 169

2022 Painted Miniatures: 214

2023 Painted Miniatures: 48

Next-up, my expanded Front Giant Army for Dragon Rampant followed by a Battle Report, Frost Giants vs. Hill Giants!

Until next time fellow Grognards and Young Guard!  Fe-Fi-Fo-Fum and.....Game On!

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