Saturday, February 18, 2023

Simple Conversions for Galactic Heroes or Xenos Rampant - Gran Raider aka Ree Yees

Welcome fellow Wargamers to another installment of 'Of Dice and Army Men'!

Before I get too deep into the armies I have painted for Dragon Rampant, I have been working on a little side project for Galactic Heroes or Xenos Rampant.  It all started with an idea I had a few years ago and the Gran Raider figure from Star Wars Miniatures Game.

As you can see, this guy is not properly outfitted, in my humble opinion, for survival in the Star Wars universe.  He, for whatever reason, is bringing a knife to a blaster fight.

Now these minis are fairly cheap, likely for that very reason.  I have acquired a few and an evil plan has began to take shape!  Evil, quite evil....

As goes with the Grognard name, I have been playing wargames for quite some time.  I was introduced to table top wargames back in 1992, by some friends who were playing Warhammer 40K, Rogue Trader.  Times were different then, and we purchased boxes of plastic marines, 30 to a box if I recall correctly and just built our chapters out to massive numbers.  To do the same today, would like run the same cost as funding the next space shot to Mars.  But I digress...

So, having had many 'beakie' marines, I also was left with a pile of alternate arms, weapons, and accessories.

Lighting struck and when I saw this Gran Raider, he was destined to go under the knife.  Through the wonders of conversion, I removed both his arms (into the bits box they went) and glued on a right and left arm from my 'beakie' marine bits box.

I painted some additional details onto the marine arms to match the existing details on the Gran Raider model, repeat and 'voila', a squad of troops ready for the Galactic Heroes game!

 With some use of a power glove and bolter from the bits, I created a 'Sergeant' for the squad as well.

So, here is the full squad for your review.

There are many minis out there that can be repurposed and converted for your games.  In many cases, they can be done cheaply as well.


2021 Painted Miniatures: 169

2022 Painted Miniatures: 214

2023 Painted Miniatures: 35

Until next time fellow Grognards and Young Guard, keep your fingers clear of your Xacto knife and Game On!


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