Thursday, August 25, 2022

Fistful of Lead - Galactic Heroes - Imperial Deathtroopers

Greeting Grognards and welcome to all of the Young Guard out there!

Followers might ask 'Grognard, what the heck is a Grognard?'  

In short, I'd tell them this was a word for 'Old Soldier'.  I've been playing table top wargames since 1988, so I guess the name fits.  To head off the next hypothetical question, 'Grognard, why do you welcome the 'Young Guard', and who are they ?'  The 'Young Guard' were the young or new soldiers in Napoleon's Army.  I look at all of the young and new players as the 'Young Guard' of our hobby.  I hope some of this 'Grognard's' experience and love of the hobby gets shared and conveyed to the 'Young Guard' to keep our hobby healthy and growing for years to come.

So to the fellow Grognards and all the Young Guard out there, below is another favorite Imperial troop of mine, the Deathtroopers!  These fellows only came about recently, in Rogue One, but they have made an impact on the Star Wars community for sure!

Make no mistake about it, these men in black are no Will Smith!  They are hard core killers of the Empire, dealing out Imperial justice to even the troops of the Empire!  Expect no mercy if you find yourself on the hot end of their blasters!

Until next time, keep a sharp eye out for the MIB and GAME ON!


2021 Painted Miniatures: 169

2022 Painted Miniatures: 130 (the 2021 is in reach!)


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