Sunday, June 5, 2022

AWI 54mm French Grenadiers

Welcome back fellow Grognards and Young Guard!

I hope you are enjoying this series on my 54mm AWI project.  This year, I have dug deep to get this thing in gear and build forces for the major antagonists and their allies.  I must admit, there is still a gap in my Hessian forces.  As Bono said, 'I still haven't found what I'm looking for'.  Sooner or later, I will find the Hessian Grenadiers that will be the 'must have'.  Until then, enjoy the French Grenadiers below.  

All models are BMC/ Americana models with the exception of the standards and the officer.  Those are from the Armies in Plastic range.  As you might have guessed, due the similarities in styles of uniforms of the periods, these miniatures often just need a different paint job to reflect their given country.  Again, a shout out goes to for the free banners, resized from 28mm to 54mm.

The Grenadier below are from Bourbonnois Regiment.


2021 Painted Miniatures: 169

2022 Painted Miniatures: 72

Next on deck, I'll be showcasing units of both AWI 54mm French and British Artillery.

Keep sharp, steady arms and GAME ON!!!

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