Sunday, June 5, 2022

AWI 54mm French and British Artillery

 Good Day fellow Grognards and Young Guard!

We are quickly approaching the anniversary of the the D-Day invasion.  I haven't dusted off my WWII miniatures in some time.  Years ago, it was a ritual for the gaming crew to meet on the weekend closest to the anniversary and run an invasion related game.  Unfortunately, it has been some time since that has occurred.  Definitely looking to renew that tradition.

Until then, I offer you some further AWI 54mm project work focused on Artillery.  Below, are some images of both a French and British Artillery teams.  The majority of the teams are BMC/ Americana figures, including the artillery pieces.  I did substitute officers from the Armies in Plastics line.

First up....54mm AWI French Artillery.

Secondly, the AWI 54mm British Artillery.


2021 Painted Miniatures: 169

2022 Painted Miniatures: 86

Next up...a change of pace.  No, I haven't finished painting all of my 54mm AWI.  I still have a unit of Woodland Indians, a Militia Cavalry Regiment and a Militia Regiment to paint at a minimum.  Taking a breather, I'll be sharing some of my efforts focused on a game from Wiley Games, called Galactic Heroes; part of the Fistful of Lead series.

So until next time, wait to the close and give them the grapeshot!   GAME ON!!!

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