Sunday, March 31, 2024

Dragon Rampant - Orc Armies swells!


Hello fellow Grognards and Young Guard!

Welcome to another installment of 'Of Dice and Army Men'!

In the past, I posted pictures of my Dragon Rampant Orc Army consisting of a large number of Chronopia Assault Orcs.  Well, the ranks continue to grow.  I just really love these Assault Orc models, so when I see them on ebay, they are rare to come by and like to rescue them (for the right price of course!).

I have added the 10 Assault Orcs below to the ranks.

The trick is adding minis to an army you painted a while back to keep colors consistent and in the same style.  I do keep a project book of color used.  Unfortunately, that army was not recorded in the book, but I did remember the limited number of paints used on these models, so off I went.  I highly recommend keeping a paint log for your projects.

Next up, in Jan 2024, I was able to finish painting my Ogre Kingdoms Army for Warhammer 6th/ 7th Edition, but not able to take pictures for posting.  I hope to have those taken and the army posted soon!

Until then, gather the forces and GAME ON!


2021 Painted Miniatures: 169

2022 Painted Miniatures: 214

2023 Painted Miniatures: 544

2024 Painted Miniatures:  59 (more to come...SOON!)

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