Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Dragon Rampant - Fire Giant Army

 Welcome back fellow Grognards and Young Guard!

Hope this post finds you well,  I wanted to make a quick update and post some pics of one of my favorite new armies for Dragon Rampant, the Fire Giants!

All models are by Reaper Miniatures.  They are of the second iteration of the Fire Giants.  If you purchase some of the original Fire Giant sculpts, I think you will find they are a bit smaller than the later sculpts. Having purchased one of the older bodyguards models, I quickly found this out and quickly relegated him to the "soon to be resold pile".

FIRE GIANT ARMY..... 44 pts.

Fire Giant King w/ Blessed Weapon (Elite Foot)... 8pts.

Fire Giant Queen (Elite Foot)... 6 pts.

Fire Giant Beast Master & Hellhound (Elite Foot w/ Missiles)... 8 pts.

Fire Giant Jailor (Elite Foot)... 6 pts.

Fire Giant Bodyguards X2 (Elite Foot)...12 pts (6 pts. each)

Hellhounds (Lesser Warbeasts)....4 pts.


2021 Painted Miniatures: 169

2022 Painted Miniatures: 214

2023 Painted Miniatures: 64

Hope you enjoyed this installment of 'Of Dice and Army Men'!  Now on the workbench is the fourth installment of the Giant Series, the Stone Giant Army!

Until next time, GAME ON!

Saturday, July 1, 2023

Dragon Rampant AAR - Hill Giants vs. Frost Giants - Father's Day 2023 Epic

 Welcome fellow Grognards and Young Guard!

It has been awhile since I've posted an After Action Report for a battle at the house.  Below for your enjoyment are some pics from the re-match between my daughter and I playing Dragon Rampant!  For those who don't recall, our last match-up between the Frost Giants and the Western Men did not fair well for this Grognard.   See the blog for that AAR.  

Score:  Young Guard Daughter: 1, Grognard: 0.  

In this match, we threw down on Father's Day, a very tight quarter, mostly hand to hand battle between two waring Giant Factions.  The Frost Giants came down from the wintery heights, to take more land from the Hill Giants.  The Hill Giants, receiving word from their minions, gathered the assistance of their Ogre followers to do battle.

The forces collided with the Ogres and Snow Trolls squaring off on the left wing.  Having taken the worst of the slugfest, the Snow Trolls retreated, only to eventually be followed up and seen off the table. 

On the opposite flank, the Winter Wolves charged into the Ogres.  The combat raged and wolves dropped to the ground under the clubs of the ogres.  Retreating, but not yielding, they again raged forward into the Hill Giant King who had made his way to the sounds of battle.  With his Blessed Weapon (club al a 'Bobby the Barbarian') he made short work of the remaining pups.

It was time for the Giants on both sides to weigh in.  The Frost Giant King dispatched one of the Hill Giant Bodyguards before The Frost Giant King and Frost Giant Bodyguard made short work of the remaining Ogres on the left flank of the Hill Giants. The Frost Giant Bodyguard took care of the Hill Giant Hunter and Dire Cat.  Next he made short work of the remaining Ogre and other Hill Giant Bodyguard.

The Hill Giant King surge forward and dispatched one of the Frost Giant Bodyguards, before turning to square off with the King of the Frost Giants. 

What of the Frost Giant Queen looming in the back of the battle field you say?  Owe, she weaved her evil magic into the battle throughout the game, healing points of strength on her Frost Giant King and Bodyguards at optimal times, while throwing a Power Bolt or two at units at opportune moments to help win combats for her Frosty side.

And so, it came down to four units total on the board and the random die roll began to end the game.  The game continued to go for many turns until only the final slaying of the Hill Giant King ended the game.  A totals massacre of the Hill Giant Army by the Frost Giants!

Running Grognard vs. Young Guard Daughter Scoreboard: 

Young Guard Daughter: 2

Grognard: 0

A great Father's Day battle!  One to long remember.  


Until next time, GAME ON!

Dragon Rampant - Frost Giant Army Expanded

 Hello fellow Grognards and welcome to the New Guard!

Playing catch-up on posting some of my work so far this year.  Next up on the list is my expanded Frost Giant Army for Dragon Rampant.  The Giants and Winter Wolves models are from Reaper and the Snow Trolls are from Mantic.  The last being the latest update to the army.  I also went back and rebased the models with the new method I picked up from Jaye Wiley at Wiley Games from his YouTube video.  Added some snow as well to emphasis the cold of their presence.  Enjoy!


                                                                FROST GIANT KING

                                                               FROST GIANT QUEEN

                                                            FROST GIANT BODYGUARD

                                                          FROST GIANT BODYGUARD

                                                                    FROST GIANTS

                                                                    SNOW TROLLS

                                                                    SNOW TROLLS

                                                                    WINTER WOLVES

                                                                       WINTER WOLVES


Frost Giant King w/ Blessed Weapon: 8 pts.  [Elite Foot]

Frost Giant Queen (Wizardling): 8pts.  [Elite Foot]

    Spells:  Heal Thee! Power Bolt!  Sharper Blades!

Frost Giant Bodyguard: 6 pts.  [Elite Foot]

Frost Giant Bodyguard:  6 pts.  [Elite Foot]

Snow Trolls:  4pts. [Bellicose Foot] (Reduced model unit)

Winter Wolves: 4 pts. [Lesser Warbeasts]


2021 Painted Miniatures: 169

2022 Painted Miniatures: 214

2023 Painted Miniatures: 51

Next up, a After Action Report for a match up on this past Father's Day between the Grognard and his Young Guard Daughter.  Hill Giants vs. Frost Giants!

Until next time, GAME ON!