Saturday, August 27, 2022

Fistful of Lead - Galactic Heroes - Imperial Infantry

Hello fellow Grognards!  Welcome to the Young Guard!  So glad to have you on board as I creep ever closer to passing my 2021 models painted target!

Today, I would like to share with you some Imperial Infantry models.  Fantasy Flight has not yet ventured into the realm of Imperial Infantry, so I found a source for a good price for 3D models.

Fighting for their beliefs in 'keeping galactic order' these troopers are as brave and fight as hard as any other Imps.  However, in the Galactic plan, they are just pawns and laser battery fodder to the Emperor!

The squad below is armed with a heavy missile weapon, ready to take out rebel hard target, weapons emplacements and vehicles.

The next Infantry support team is armed with blasters and grenades.

The third squad is armed with blasters.  An infantryman looks on with his binoculars.

Next post, the Sith and Famous!  Until then, for the Galactic Empire, GAME ON!


2021 Painted Miniatures: 169

2022 Painted Miniatures: 152

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