Saturday, September 11, 2021

Portal 2 - Wheatley

 Greetings Fellow Grognards!

Welcome back to another installment of 'Of Dice and Army Men'!  

First Order of Business:

Today is the 20th anniversary of 9/11.  I remember seeing the second aircraft crash into the tower on TV, as it happened.  I remember our country coming to a complete standstill.  I remember the scenes of destruction, people working to save others.  I remember a sky without aircraft.  But, I also remember the pride in our country as Americans and how we were going to rebuild and take the fight to evil around the world. 

But most importantly...I STILL REMEMBER!!!

We live in times now where children have been born after the events, with no knowledge of them.  Many people have forgotten or just moved on.  Don't let what happened be forgotten.


It has been quite some time since my last post so apologies.  Sometimes life gets in the way.  Today is the first day in months were I did not have to lift boxes, pack or unpack anything or work on installing or repairing anything relevant to my old house being sold or the new house we have moved into recently.  Hopefully I'll be able to get back to some good old hobby time and wargaming on a regular basis.  The painting table went up today and the gaming table is still leaning against a wall, but soon, soon, it will be ready for some games again!

Taking a little detour during the moves, I was able to work on a little project for my daughter.  She is a giant fan of the Portal games.  One of the hysterical characters in Portal 2 is Wheatley.  If you've never played the game, it is a real thinker.  You need to manipulate 'Entry' and 'Exit' portals to accomplish tasks to proceed through the game, all while trying not to get killed!


So my first task was to find something that was similar to this guy, having no luck finding an actual 28mm model anywhere on line.  I remember seeing something on Reaper in their Chronoscope line.
As you can see, there is similarity between the two.  I needed to pull out the trusty putty, modeling tool and knife and get at it.   Utilizing some wire I had on hand, after bending and sizing it, I drilled holes into the model with a pin vise.  I had to remove the antennae and the lower light/ laser cannon.  After putty was dry I base coated it in gray primer and then painted it up.  The glowing eye light was achieved with layers of blues trending lighter and in diameter until I got to white in the middle to give it that glowing electric effect!  I'm pretty happy with it for first time re-sculpt and my daughter is as well, which is the MOST important thing!

In the near future, I'm hoping to circle back on this project and turn it into a small diorama of the Portal 2 setting; a small slice of one of the rooms, with the two portals in play along with Shell and Wheatley.

2021 Painted Miniatures Scoreboard:

Unpainted:  Shamefully high;  added numerous recent ebay treasures to the point this number needs an inventory team to validate it.

Painted: 163

Until Next Time...GAME ON!

NEXT UP:  An 'Of Dice and Army Men' first; a Dragon Rampant Battle Report! (Yes, you are probably saying, 'what about those 54mm Continental Light Dragoons?'   They are coming soon as I can find the box I packed them away into so I can finish them!

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