Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Han Solo Blaster


Greeting fellow Grognards and Young Guard!

As I said, there would be more to follow soon, and here you have it!  Today I'm posting a little project I've been working on for Dragon Con 2024.  Can't say too much, but maybe the below will give you a little clue.

The kit is a 3D printed multi-part kit of Han Solo's blaster from Star Wars A New Hope.

After cleaning up the remains of supports, sanding surfaces and gluing this together, I gave it two coats of flat black spray primer- base coat.

After letting it dry, I went at making it look worn and used.  I only need to find to screws that will fit into the handle to look like those used to keep the handle grips in place.

After painting, I gave it two coats of matte clear coat for durability.

I had a lot of fun putting this one together and weathering it.  I'll count this as one mini for tracking purposes and that takes me to '100' minis painted for the year on the record.

Remember, Han shot first!   GAME ON!


2021 Painted Miniatures: 169

2022 Painted Miniatures: 214

2023 Painted Miniatures: 544

2024 Painted Miniatures:  100 (more to come...SOON!)

Ogre Kingdoms Army - Warhammer Fantasy Battles


Greetings Fellow Grognards and Young Guard!

It has been some time since my last post.  Life had a way of getting in the way of all of the fun stuff.  I hope to remedy that soon.  I've also been in a bit of a painting funk, so I have been digging through my pile of shame and building minis to put into my new shelving units in my home office.  At least this way, I will see what I have (get depressed at what is unpainted), prevent myself from ordering duplicates of items on ebay where not needed and send a pile of cardboard boxes currently holding these unbuilt, unpainted minis to the recycler.

Today, I'm posting some pics of a Ogre Kingdoms Army for WFB I finished earlier this year.  I have a few other projects in the works (don't we all!) like more of my Tiger Claw Space Marines, a Reaper Fire Giant Jailer conversion to a Demon for yet another army I am building for Dragon Rampant and some additional trooper for my Brotherhood army for Xenos Rampant.

Of course, Dragon Con 2024 (Atlanta GA) is quickly approaching and that will put a halt to any painting projects for a week.

Hope you enjoy these pictures and GAME ON!


2021 Painted Miniatures: 169

2022 Painted Miniatures: 214

2023 Painted Miniatures: 544

2024 Painted Miniatures:  99 (more to come...SOON!)